The Baird’s Adoption Story

The Baird's Adoption Story

It started with an Instagram post. 

Take a look below to see how God used Daniel and Markie Baird to provide a forever home for an 8-year-old girl with special needs.

In February 2020, Markie Baird saw a social media post from Reece’s Rainbow, an organization that advocates for children with special needs. This particular post shared the story of an 8-year-old Ukrainian girl named Jocelyn, who was in need of a family. This name caught Markie’s eye as it was a name they had planned to use for a future daughter. 

When she looked at the pictures the whole world stopped... 

“She looked like she belonged in our family!”

While they had planned on adopting one day, Daniel didn’t feel like it was the right time. However, God was using this little girl to break Markie’s heart for children forgotten in institutions around the world and to kindle a deep desire to bring this particular child home.

The Bairds have made a habit of monthly marriage counseling and in their July 2020 session, they discussed the idea of adoption with their counselor. He helped them unpack their motives to adopt, as they wanted to be certain that adoption was a response to the gospel and God’s work in their lives.

At this time, Daniel and Markie were house parents at Eagle Ranch in NorthEast Georgia, working alongside families in crisis by caring for up to six teenage girls in their home. As house parents, they also walked with the families of the girls as they worked toward healing generational patterns of hurt and dysfunction. The Bairds loved being house parents and believed that this job was a calling very similar to the mission field. 

“When we felt this nudge to adopt, we knew that there was a possibility that adoption and house parenting could not work in tandem.” 

The idea of leaving Eagle Ranch was Daniel’s biggest hesitation to adopt. After seeking wisdom from friends, their counselor, and the Lord, they decided to take a month to pray about this monumental decision. During this month of intentional prayer and conversations, Daniel came to the realization that he needed to trust in God.

“I think this is about a lot more than just an adoption. This feels a lot more like it’s about my willingness to put my real faith in the Lord and trust that He has a plan for us that might include a story about an adoption and whether I’m willing to do this or not.” 

At the end of the month, Daniel said “yes” to adoption, and was excited to intentionally put his faith in God.

From that point on, the Bairds connected with their adoption agency, began the application process, and in January of 2021, began the home study process.

“This period of our story is riddled with God’s faithfulness and clear provision. In the same month, we got an email stating that we had been selected as recipients for a grant through our agency that we never applied for.”

The grant was for $2500 towards their next agency fee. This was perfect timing because previously, they had discussed the need for “pumping the breaks” on the home study so they could save for the next fee.

“This story is not ours and God reminded us once again that we did not need to control the details. We needed to trust Him.” 

At the beginning of February, they needed to make an official decision between adoption or staying as house parents. While they didn’t have jobs lined up, they ultimately decided to move forward with adoption, requiring them to leave Eagle Ranch.

Twelve hours later, Daniel was offered a job doing exactly what he had always dreamed of doing. This job required a relocation and, in a tough housing market, they were able to put an offer on a home! This house had been recently renovated and most notably everything they needed to accommodate mobility and accessibility for their adopted child. 

“He has opened every door we have approached so far in this adoption process. He has clearly laid on our hearts a deep love for this young girl who bears His image in Ukraine. We know that no matter where this road leads we can walk with confidence in the fact that our good, faithful, and gracious Father is leading us and is with us. We are thankful for the gift of this relationship and hopeful to impart these truths to our children (all three of them and more, Lord willing) so they too may come to know for themselves just how beautiful the Lord is and how much joy there is in obeying Him.”

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