encouragement Tag

Parenting Your Child with ADHD

Parenting Your Child with ADHD   Did you know children in foster care are considered a “special health care” population by the American Academy of Pediatrics (1)? What does this mean? It means that kids who have lost their families are likely to have more health challenges than...

Come To The Table

Friends, welcome to the table! You are invited here to join in the feast and into the community. This summer series of sharing stories will encourage those who may be desiring clarity. Or perhaps some of you are so deep into a thousand baseball games and...

4 Systems That Bring Life To Large Families

It’s a common question when you have a lot of children, “How do you do it?” I think what people are asking is, “How in the world do you manage all the ‘stuff’ of parenting ten kids?!” The emails, the texts, sports schedules, laundry, cooking,...

Prayer, Patience & Puzzle Pieces

Special Needs Adoption - Part II (Read Part I here.) My fearless, vision-minded husband had always spoken of adoption. It wasn’t idealistic, newlywed dreaming – he meant it. I’d had two challenging pregnancies, so with minimal convincing, I agreed. For reasons difficult to articulate, we felt...

Nurturing Biological Relationships

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose. Philippians 2:13   Our family has not had a “typical” fostering experience. When I think of being foster parents I often think of a revolving door with children coming...

The Power of Parenting Forward

“You are a liar!” I’m not proud of this, but I have outright not just said, but yelled these words at my child. And how did that work for me? It didn’t. I didn’t see or taste any fruit from it. Yes, it certainly felt...


I managed to live a mercifully long number of years before experiencing the type of suffering that changes everything. Somehow I avoided the kind of heartbreak that forever divides life’s timeline into a before and after. But in this broken and sinful world, the pain...

Grief and Relief

It has been a strange couple of days at the Cash house. We miss the girls. I specifically miss the way that the littlest would whisper "Hi. Hi. Hi." through her pacifier when I woke her up from her nap, and how she'd likewise greet every...

Three Truths

About Families Who Foster and Adopt - Observations from the Side of the Pool 350 people were there—almost exclusively foster families and adoptive families. We had an enormous pool, a kids’ summer time favorite—greased watermelon polo, a hilarious DJ, and a triple zip line racing above...

5 Ways to Encourage
Foster Families

We all wonder how best to support our friends and family who are fostering. Let’s face it, foster families are usually in it for the long haul and they need a large safety net of people they can rely on to remain true to their...