
The Refugees of
Foster Care

With one heartrending image the tide turned. For Europe, what was long a faraway, hand-wringing perplexity became an “up in arms we have to do something” call to action. Political leaders no longer avoided a position, vague offers of assistance no longer satisfied. Even now,...


The Leisure of God

Oswald Chambers said, “Think of the enormous leisure of God! He is never in a hurry.” The first time I underlined this in my copy of My Utmost for His Highest, I was in the middle of waiting for an adoption that was dragging on...


I Could Never Do That

“I could never do that.” This line makes for a great excuse. It’s subtle, and a powerful means of keeping our distance from problems, pain, and even people. If we could “do that”—take a risk, help a child, stand up for someone in a vulnerable spot—we’d...


Second Calling

My white-haired neighbor is beginning a new chapter in her life. A time when most people her age are traveling or enjoying hobbies after retiring, Kara has just found her second calling. I see her push a stroller up the street every day, and every day...