Foster care is notorious for its unrelenting and unending cycle. Kids face family breakdown, placement in an unfamiliar home, disruption, and too often, disruption again. Sadly, many children age-out of foster care without a permanent or lasting sense of family.
While there are 400,000 children in foster care in the U.S. alone, there are also 300,000 churches. That means, for every child or sibling set in the U.S. foster care system, there’s also a church, with many families who could play a role in helping vulnerable kids.
It takes faith, time, money, and emotion to care for vulnerable children and without support, the role of a foster parent can feel nearly impossible. In fact...
That means we not only need to increase the number of families caring for vulnerable children, but we need to create support for these families so they can foster longer and stronger.
We partner with churches to create Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs), providing what vulnerable children need most...strong families.