For this reason, Promise686 administers grants on behalf of participating churches. These churches invite Promise686 to facilitate their grant process. Churches offer three types of adoption grants: Adoption Matching Grants, Legal Grants, and Post-placement Support Grants.
If you are new to, or considering, the adoption process, the Navigating the Journey educational video series may be a helpful resource for you.
Lifeline Children’s Services is a preferred adoption agency of Promise686.
Visit to learn more about adoption programs and resources.
Adoption Matching Grants are awarded $500 – $4000 for a one-child adoption and $500 – $6000 for the adoption of more than one child. Families fundraise for their adoption within their sphere of influence, typically using letters, emails, or face-to-face meetings. Church Adoption Funds, administered by Promise686, match the funds raised dollar-for-dollar up to the grant amount. Monies raised over the grant amount also go toward the family’s adoption expenses. Families access these funds to pay legitimate adoption expenses. Per IRS guidelines, Promise686 must maintain complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds but strives to honor the donor’s preferences in all cases.
We believe that the matching grant program also encourages community-building since the adopting family reaches out to their friends and family to raise support beyond necessary finances. In addition to raising needed funds, we believe this approach builds an “adoption team” for the family. This team may support the family through financial donations toward adoption expenses but also provide strength in prayer, encouragement, and post-adoption support.
Legal Grants are offered to offset the legal costs of adoption such as in the case of the domestication of a foreign adoption. These are legal costs that are separate from the fees paid to an adoption agency or the agency’s attorney. Promise686 maintains a preferred relationship with Christina Bennett, LLC and sends all grant recipients to this firm ( Many families who receive Adoption Matching Grants may later apply for a Legal Grant. In this case, families complete a short application designed for this situation.
Families may apply for post-placement support grants to help with counseling, therapy, or special education needs of a child. This grant is based on needs not covered by personal or state insurance coverage and may include fundraising opportunities as well.
Promise686 refers applicants to Church Adoption Funds which maintain the following prerequisites for grant applicants:
• Applicants for Promise686 Georgia grants must live in the state of Georgia. If you reside outside of Georgia, please contact your local Promise686 affiliate, or email to inquire about affiliate ministries in your state.
• The family’s adoption home study must be complete with a favorable recommendation from a licensed 501(c)(3) adoption agency.
• Applicants (both husband and wife) must be members in good standing within a Christian church adhering to the truths of the Nicene Creed.
• Applicants must be utilizing a non-profit adoption agency.
To request a referral and a Grant Application, fill out this short pre-approval application.
• Applications are due on the first of every other month - January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Grant Committees review the applications for each grant cycle and invite families under consideration to be interviewed in person or via Zoom. Grant decisions are communicated within six weeks of the application deadline.
To contact Promise686 with a grant-related question or launch a Church Adoption Fund at your church, email
NOTE - Expenses for reimbursement include:
(Parents and adopted children only)
(Contact us for how best to submit this expense)
Additional Resources are available upon request. Please reach out to to learn more.
*A $5,000 gift typically funds the cost of one adoption, bringing a child home forever, because families will match your gift through their network of friends and typically surpass the initial match. You can either fund an entire adoption or give a partial amount here: