Specifically, Promise686 is a ministry that assists families and churches who care for vulnerable children by providing financial assistance, community support, and adoptive and foster care related education. Believing that Psalm 68:6 is for every child - we strive to fulfill the promise that “God sets the lonely in families.” This is accomplished through strong Family Advocacy Ministries (FAM) built and sustained in churches by trained lay leaders.
In Georgia, Promise686 also aids in international and domestic adoption though the provision of matching grants to qualifying families. Nationwide, we live out our mission in and through the Live The Promise network of committed churches and affiliates.
For many churches, the start of “orphan-care” ministry is addressing local needs in foster care. Live The Promise is a ministry model established in churches to grow the base of foster families and to support these foster families through a local volunteer Care Community. This Care Community provide meals, childcare, transportation and respite care.
It's a simple concept - If every church commits at least one family to fostering, every foster child will have a home. With training and guidance from Live The Promise, churches raise awareness in their congregations, direct families to receive training, and build volunteer Care Communities around them.
Our desire is that every church, whether assisting vulnerable children locally or abroad, would engage in God’s work to “set the lonely in families” and have a vibrant FAM led by passionate lay leaders as part of the DNA of their church.